Dating Diaries: First Date Agenda

Lots of people go on a date with a hidden agenda—inspire passion; find a spouse; score a free meal, but how many women are actually provided with an outlined agenda for how a date will proceed?

Digging through old emails, I found this gem. This came from an intelligent and witty PhD that I met one night when I was out with girlfriends. We had mutual friends in common and he was writing a book. He got my email by asking if I’d be willing to read...

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Dating Diaries: “I Had Another Crier”

My friend J. is also doing the online dating thing. He emailed the other day to share a long and disturbing story of a woman who just started sobbing in the middle of dinner on their first date. We decided she was either mentally unbalanced or—and kudos to her if this was it—she was executing a clever ploy to excuse herself from the date.

We both kind of wrote it off as “Huh. Whatever.” moment. Then J. texted me yesterday:

J: I had another crier! This one broke down and said "I just love the Bible and Jesus so much..." in between sobs...

Me: Oh. My. God. How are you attracting these women?? You really need to refine your screening process.

 J: I know! I guess I could put a clause that says: if you think you were born more than once, swipe left! This one waited until I'd bought her two sushi dinners before she went New Testament on my ass.

Uh, ladies? Breaking into sobs on a date may indicate—and this is just a hunch but hear me out—that you are perhaps not ready to date.

Think about it.



New Running Mantra

I've been asking friends for ideas for a new running mantra. I'm looking for something a little challenging, a little motivating and a little badass (all to suit my personality). I tried out REMEMBER MY NAME and BECAUSE F**K PAIN but neither felt quite right.

I also tried out a line I think I saw on a Dove body wash campaign that was something like, LET'S SEE WHAT'S POSSIBLE. That was good, but not quite it. 

Then I found it. I was at the gym, on the treadmill doing intervals and feeding myself every excuse in the book on why I should let myself quit. I was battling it out mentally and finally told myself I could make up excuses until the sun went down, but I was going to stay right where I was and run anyway.

Run anyway.


That's it.

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