Teaching Saturday Classes
/I taught two workshops yesterday through the free sessions offered at our local community college. I taught a one hour workshop on Networking and a 1 1/2 hour workshop on Writing for Magazines. The magazine writing workshop went great. Fun group, lots of questions and I had a ton of information to give them. I love teaching that class.
The Networking workshop went not as well. My fault. I just wasn't as prepared as I should have been. I can use the Portland trip as an excuse but that's all it would be--an excuse. If I wasn't able to teach the class, I should have backed out. And it went okay. I just felt I was a bit dull and didn't offer a whole lot of useful information. So good to know for next time--I need to work on adding more practical and take-away information.
To update on my last blog entry regarding my picking fights with everyone, I have apologized to the President of the group under Scenario I. She sent me an e-mail outlining some background information and--while I still don't agree with the tone of her e-mail--I do think I came down a bit harsh on her. I need to learn to just let these things go, I suppose. I just have a difficult time overlooking something I think is unfair.
SO MUCH work to do. Need to get caught up on my notes from Portland and send some info to my editor, I have my fiction to work on and a humor article due on May 8th that I haven't started yet--yikes! But first, a trip to the grocery store is in order. NO FOOD in the house for the past two days--I must eat!