Happy Halloween!

Ah--the best day of the year. Halloween, when one is encouraged to eat chocolate.

My little husband has been working like a madman all week to pull together our Hogwarts set. He has sewn and painted his own Dumbledore costume. He has painted and chopped and nailed together a bunch of 8 foot poles that will be the framework for our castle wall.  The last two nights have been spent making a sorting hat, Dumbledore hat, and Dumbledore beard. He's coming home early today as we have close to two hours of work ahead of us to get the frame and scenery and costumes in place.

I've just realized I've neglected to carve a pumpkin (or even buy one) so that's on my list for the afternoon. I love a to-do list that has:

  1. Research FOB section
  2. Work on book proposal
  3. Carve spooky pumpkin face
  4. Write rough draft of speech

I'll take photos tonight and post for tomorrow's blog.

On a good note, Lucy had her annual exam yesterday and has LOST WEIGHT. That's right. My girl is now down to a svelte (okay--less fat) 14.2 pounds.  When we were at the vet and he told us she'd lost weight, I gave Lucy a kiss and said, "Good girl! You get a treat when you get home." This prompted a "I think we're beginning to see the roots of the problem here" comment from the vet. What-ever. =)

A safe and spooky Halloween to you all.