It's A Boy!

My sister has a second son...7 lbs, 11 oz.

When my mom called to tell me, she put my 3-year-old nephew Jake on the phone. "Tell Aunt Dena if you have a little sister or brother," she said.

Jake grasped the receiver. " have a, uh...sister," he said. I could hear Mom in the background going, "No, no,! Baby brother!"

"," said Jake. "Sister."

What can you do? He's been telling my sister for months that he wants the baby to be a girl. The fact that they named the baby Cole (my sister's name is Nicole), probably won't help.

"The baby's name is Cole," my sister told Jake over the phone.

"Mommy Nicole?" asked Jake.

Hey sis, good luck with that one...

Anyway, I'm thrilled to be an aunt again and that everyone is safe and healthy. I told Nicole to tell Grant to get his butt to a computer terminal somewhere in that hospital and download some pictures for us to see...NOW.  I'll post as soon as I can!

Happy Birthday Cole!!!