Valentine's Day Massacre Marathon

Hearts and flowers are for wimps.  I'm participating in the Valentine's Day Massacre Marathon Relay. Teams up to four members will participate in a 26.2 mile relay. Each team member will run a 1.6 mile loop around a local park, then wait for other team members to run their loops. I'm not sure how I'll do with all the stops and starts; seems I'd prefer to just run my 6+ miles and be done with it. But I've never tried it this way and it might be fun.

I am on a SuperGeezer team! This means the combined age of my team is over 200 years. We've got a 61 and 62 year old, a 44 year-old, and practically fresh-from-the-womb little 37 year-old me. I'm also the only female on the team.

The 44-year old is by far the fastest of all of us. By coincidence, he's also the doctor who'll be giving me my physical. I called yesterday and scheduled the complete physical, including blood work, for late February. So I'll actually be meeting this man for the first time at the race. I can see the introduction now: "Hi, I'm Dena. I'll be sitting semi-naked in your office about 9 days from now. Pleasure." I mean, really, what is the etiquette???

Meanwhile, I've got a 15-mile road race the last weekend in January that I am sooooo not ready for. I haven't run over 8 miles in one setting since my marathon. And this is a hilly course. Then the weekend after that I'm participating in the Uwharrie 8-mile trail race. It's short, but brutal. The first mile and a half is straight up and I've heard it only gets worse from there. Back in October when I signed up for it, it sounded fun. Now I just think I'm stupid. But I'm going out there this Sunday with some friends for a practice run so I can see what I've gotten myself into.