Wrapping Up The Week

This is a week of tying up loose ends. I'm finally (finally!) getting around to sending out long past due invoices in an effort to get all monies in I'm owed before the New Year. I'm tying off small projects as I prepare to hit a big one Monday monring with full steam. The house is clean, Blair's sister and our nephew arrive this afternoon for Thanksgiving, and I have forbidden my cold to get any worse.

Blair and I have 4-5 small household/finance projects that need to be dealt with this weekend. And--yuck, yuck, yuck--we'll pull the holiday decorations out this weekend and get the tree up and house decorated. (I'd be fine sticking a candy cane on a houseplant and calling it a day. Blair, not so much.) It's time to write the holiday newsleter and start thinking about goals/dreams for 2009. I can't be expected to enter the New Year without a LIST now, can I?

So today is about inovices, e-mail, yoga, a quick treadmill run, and clearing off my desk. (Are matches and kindling an option?) Notice that WRITING is not listed in that to-do list. Monday will kick off a month of hard-core writing days. I have a book that needs to be finished and sent out for editing.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Travel safe.