A Never Ending Taste of Salt

Leave it to me to come down with some medical oddity. This time it's salt. For the past week, I have had the undeniably strong taste of salt in my mouth. I have brushed, I have flossed, I have gurgled... it doesn't help. I have no clue what's happening. All I know is that everything I eat tastes like a salt shaker has been spilled on it. Bread, fruit, sorbet, cereal... all salt. 

You'd think I'd be eating less, but no. Desperate to rid myself of the taste, I am constantly putting food and drink in my mouth, trying to cover or wash away the taste of having just licked the rim of a margarita glass. 


Okay, so I just Googled "salty taste in my mouth that won't go away," and found a few leads. (What on earth did we do before the Internet was here??) Staying properly hydrated was one suggestion. I've really slacked on that since my race ended, so I'll give it a try. Other culprits are sinus problems or vitamin B-12 or Zinc deficiency. Someone else suggested eliminating coffee, tea, salt, and alcohol. I'm willing to try anything because right now, it's like I'm sucking on a salt lick every time I swallow. 

Why can't it ever be something like "the never ending taste of dark chocolate...?" Stay tuned...