
The weather turned wet and chilly today and my nesting instinct kicked in. Soups. Casseroles. Log fires. Cinnamon sticks. Thick socks. Apple cider. Sweatshirts. Welcome, FALL!

Fall is my favorite season. Something in the air just perks me right up. November is my January. I get a burst of enthusiasm and dive into new projects, vow to break old, unhealthy habits and uphold new healthy ones, set personal and professional goals and clean out my closets. 

I haven't looked at the extended forecast because I can't bear the idea of going back to melting temperatures, sticky skin and sweat-stained clothes. I want brisk breezes, crunchy leaves and colorful scarves. 

I made a butternut squash lasagna on Sunday, the day the cold(er) temps set in. Squash roasting in my oven at a 400 degree temperature while I sipped coffee and did Sudoku with Blair made me very happy. 

Soon enough I'll be griping about cold feet, drafty hallways and having to bundle up for a run. But for now, the change in temperature is a glorious reprieve. Today was a gray day with heavy rains and I enjoyed every minute of it. 

FALL! FALL! FALL! We're so happy you're here. Please stay awhile.

