Snow Day

Yesterday I had one of those days where even though I kept checking things off the "To Do" list, the list kept growing, making me feel I was sliding backwards instead of moving forward. Not to worry. Today is a new day. A new SNOW covered day. We got about an inch last night, the first snow in what seems like years. I'm disappointed I didn't get to watch it fall, but it's supposed to snow intermittently throughout the day so there's still hope.

I'll probably be out in it. Part of today must be spent canvassing Madison merchants and asking if they'll post a flyer for our Whine & Cheese shelter fundraising event AND if they'll participate in our Februrary APSRC fundraiser. We drop off pink paper hearts to merchants and for $1, people can buy a heart and dedicate it to a pet. The merchant posts the heart in their store and we come back at the end of February and collect the money.

It's a good exercise for me because I HATE to do this sort of thing. Mingle with people? Bah!  And especially mingle with people and ask for a favor. Yuck. But it's important, so I'll do it.

That and the other 80 things on my list. It's 6:37 AM and I already feel like I'm running behind schedule. But I'm still going to take a minute to sip some coffee and stare out at the snow. Might be years before I have the chance again.

Have a great day!