Oh Yeah, I Forgot What That's Like

I may occasionally get on my high horse about exercise, specifically, the lack of it in people's lives. If something is important to you, like health, I believe you'll find a way to fit it into your life and hey here's a thought, why not turn the TV off and take a walk? 

See? High horse. 

This week ought to put me in my place. I'm on full day assignment for some stories for the Greensboro News & Record. Today, for example, I meet "the crew" at 9 am and we ride around in a van together until close to 6 pm, interviewing and photographing people. At 6, I have almost an hour's drive home with traffic, mail, dinner, etc. waiting for me. Only then will it be time to exercise. 

I didn't make it last night. By the time I got home and pulled myself away from my computer (where yes, I was working and not goofing off) it was close to 9. Tired. Cranky. Went to bed. 

I planned on exercising this morning but I'm 99% positive the large decaf coffee I ordered yesterday afternoon was the real thing. My heart was racing all night, my hands were shaking and I lay in bed wide awake until I finally caved in and got up and read until almost 1. When my alarm went off at 5 so I could get in a run, I said a few choice words, rolled over and went back to sleep. 

Full-time job outside the home. Running errands after work. Taking care of house. Trying to find the time and energy to squeeze in exercise. Yeah, I admit it. I forgot how hard it is. I've become a little too accustomed to being able to stop and squeeze in a workout whenever it's most convenient in my day. 

Tonight is non-optional. Can't skip a workout two days in a row, especially during marathon training. So 9 PM tempo run, look out, 'cause I'm coming for you tonight.

I'm just going to yawn and complain the whole time I do it. 

