Crossfit Failure

I have a not-so-small Groupon addiction I'm working through. The daily deals flood my inbox each morning and I'm helpless to turn away. Full massage session for half price? 15 yoga classes for the price of 10? Brazillian wax for one-third the normal price? (Hang on to your hats for THAT blog post.) I can't say no.

Which is how I ended up paying $45 for one month of 12 Crossfit sessions.

In case you're not familiar with it,...

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Funny of the Week

I bought a bootcamp Groupon with my friends Christie and Kay. We're the oldest in the group, with the other women being in their mid to late 20's. Our strength coach is 28. Last week, Christie, Kay and myself were milling about, waiting for class to start. The other girls weren't there yet. The coach came out and said, "Hey, where are all the young does tonight?" 

Uh... hello??? Want to try that one again? 

We were teasing him and giving him grief and he was blushing slightly as he waved his hands in the air and said, "No, no! You're misunderstanding me." (PAUSE) "I LOVE older women." 

Duuuuude. Noooooooo. 

The rest of class we'd glance over at each other and say, "You see any young does? No? Me neither. Just a bunch of old hags here tonight." 

We're old and we're mean.

