Sunny Seat Cat Bed Product Review

I was thrilled last month to receive an e-mail from Sunny Seat cat beds, asking if I would be interested in reviewing their product. Me? Offer an opinion? On something cat related? Gee, I don’t know. I guess I could try…

Right. So the Sunny Seat arrives and I am all kinds of excited. Both our cats are indoor-only and I’m always looking for ways to share the outdoors with them. As they don’t seem as fond as I am of me holding and cuddling them while standing near a window, I figured we’d give the Sunny Seat a try.

There was just one problem. Our girls are old and fat. (Mainly fat.) And as the years pass, they have come to show a decided indifference in anything new.  We hooked the Sunny Seat up to one of our windows, made oohing and ahhing noises in front of the cats, placed the beloved Mr. Vet toy on the Sunny Seat… nothing.

That’s okay. We just switched to plan B.

“Huh, hello? Mom?”

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