Checking In

How, HOW I ask you, can it possibly be the middle of August already?? We're going to blink and it will be Christmas. I remember when I was a kid, summer would stretch out endlessly. This aging thing is getting on my nerves. 

Anywhoo, as I have nothing new or exciting to report (shocking, given the high stakes life of intrigue that I lead), I thought I'd use today's post as a status check on posts of the past. How's marathon training going? Did I ever lose those 7 pounds? What's that ganglion cyst up to these days? Let's check in and find out!

Marathon Training. In early July I posted this entry about being psyched to start my marathon training.

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Update on 7 lb Weight Loss

if you'll recall, on March 1st I posted that I was gunning to lose 7 pounds. I am pleased to report that 14 days in, I am down 3.5 pounds.

I've gotten better (but not great) at portion control and within just the last week I am making a push to eliminate all most sugar from my diet. At first I thought I'd go so far as to even eliminate fruit, but I nixed that idea because a) I don't think it's healthy and b) I was snacking non-stop on bread, which can only lead to evil. Instead, moderate fruit, but I have eliminated sugars such as honey, maple syrup, and CHOCOLATE.

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7 Pounds

Seven pounds gone. That's the goal I set for myself after finishing the Myrtle Beach Marathon. Why 7 pounds? Why not five or twelve or eight? I don't know. I just know I want to lose some weight and the number seven popped into my head as a reasonable goal. 

I didn't even know my weight when I decided to lose the seven. We don't keep a scale in the house and I'd been avoiding the scale at my trainer's. (Irony: I only weigh myself when I'm pretty sure I'm thin.) When I got on the scale last Monday for the first official weigh in, I was a pound or two lighter than I expected. No matter. I still want seven gone. 

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