Moving Diaries: Quid Pro Quo

Blair and I have started going through the house with a ruthless eye toward packing. This morning we went through our bookshelves. I love you, Amy Tan, but sorry, Drowning With Fish was NOT a good book and didn't make the cut. Same for you, This Was America, which we've never read. (And for the record, neither of us is willing to claim responsibility for bringing you into the home in the first place.) The Last Tycoon by F. Scott Fitzgerald just made it through, but barely. And the editing continues. 

We're getting ready to go through our offices where I tend to be brutal, but Blair has threatened retaliation in the kitchen if I'm too heavy-handed. I don't care what he says, a day will come again when he'll thank me for holding on to the bread maker... even though I no longer eat bread. 

Stay tuned for Stage 2: Breaking Things To Avoid Dealing With Packing Them.



The Moving Diaries: Binging and Purging

I'm fascinated by the reality TV hoarding shows. This comes from my anti-hoarding tendencies. Sentimental value goes out the window with me when it comes to deciding what stays and what goes. If you ever need to clean out your attic or clothes closet but lack the willpower to throw things away, call me. I am the queen of tough decisions. If it's not practical and doesn't get used, off it goes to live a life of purpose somewhere else. 

Which is why I'm astounded to discover how much stuff we've accumulated over the years. We've been in our current home for 17 years. It doesn't have a lot of storage and again, Blair and I are both pretty good at letting go, so where did all this accumulation come from?

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