Surround Yourself With Positive People

I have amazing friends. Sadly, I think I take their presence in my life for granted far too often. I forget that not everyone is surrounded by people who are supportive and encouraging. Just read interviews with famous actors, authors, or entrepreneurs. They all seem to talk about how no one thought they would make it and how they were (kindly and well-meant) told how they were just chasing a dream and ought to give it up and go live in the real word.

People, I write about cat poo for a living. If anyone should be told, "Sweetheart, it just ain't gonna happen," it's probably me. And yet I find myself in the middle of people who encourage me, are excited for me, believe in me... their presence in my life is just an incredible daily gift. I'm lucky in that on the days when I can't believe in myself, I've got 50 people waiting in line to say, "That's okay. I believe in you for you."

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